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Terrence Masson
Established Date: Sept. 20, 1966
- All
- visual effects
- computer graphics
- animator
- research
- Wavefront
- Senior Technical Director
- Sequence Supervisor
- pioneer
- animation
- software engineer
- artist
- Pioneer
- special effects
- academic
- conference
- Motion Pictures
- video games
- Commercials
- Animation
- previsualization
- scanimate
- technical director
- designer
Independent Producer and creative executive, Terrence was both the ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Computer Animation Festival Chair and 2010 Conference Chair. As an educator he was founding Director of the Creative Industries program and Head of Animation at Northeastern University in Boston, MA and author of the widely acclaimed book "CG 101: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference". Currently he is Chair of the MFA Computer Arts department at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. He enjoys traveling internationally as an ACM Distinguished Lecturer.
Radio Interview : 2010 SIGGRAPH Conference
ISEA 2011 Istanbul KeynoteSIGGRAPH 2006 CAF pre-show"MacDraw" of my childhood homeFMX 2015Dana (Boadway) MassonRochester Institute of Technology ( RIT )Kleiser Walczak Construction CompanyStar Wars: Episode VI - Return of the JediJeff KleiserThe Spirit of SpawnLarry CubaDr. Alyn RockwoodTerminator 2: Judgement Day ( T2 )Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)James ( Jim ) BlinnSIGGRAPH (The Organization)Digital DomainJohn DoeJim HillinDigital FauxtographyEd KramerSIGGRAPH 2010Jeffery A. Williams
Independent Producer and creative executive, Terrence was both the ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Computer Animation Festival Chair and 2010 Conference Chair. As an educator he was founding Director of the Creative Industries program and Head of Animation at Northeastern University in Boston, MA and author of the widely acclaimed book "CG 101: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference". Currently he is Chair of the MFA Computer Arts department at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. He enjoys traveling internationally as an ACM Distinguished Lecturer.