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Established Date: Aug. 13, 1976
- All
- Lucasfilm
- Pixar
- Computer Scientist
- President
- Disney
- Pioneer
- pioneer
- WestWorld
- FutureWorld
- Tron
- Information International Inc
- John Whitney Jr
- pixelation
- A Computer Animated Hand
- Faces
- University of Utah
- The Works
The sequel to 1973's Michael Crichton's WestWorld, directed by Richard T Heffron and released in 1976, was the very first movie to used 3D CGI to depict the cloning of actor Peter Fonda. It also used excerpts from Ed Catmull's "A Computer Animated Hand" and Fred Parke's "Faces" short films, with authorizations.
CGM - Episode 02 - FutureWorld
US Poster
Edwin Catmull
John Whitney Jr.
Information International Inc. (III, Triple-I)
Frederic Parke
The sequel to 1973's Michael Crichton's WestWorld, directed by Richard T Heffron and released in 1976, was the very first movie to used 3D CGI to depict the cloning of actor Peter Fonda. It also used excerpts from Ed Catmull's "A Computer Animated Hand" and Fred Parke's "Faces" short films, with authorizations.