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Bell Labs
Established Date: Jan. 1, 1925
- All
- Pioneer
- artist
- Computer Scientist
- researcher
- pioneer
- art
- vrml
Important and pioneering research into computer graphics was conducted at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ beginning in the early 1960's. For details refer to "Bell Labs Memoirs: Voices of Innovation", A. Michael Noll & Michael N. Geselowitz (Editors), IEEE History Center (New Brunswick, NJ), 2011, printed by & available from Amazon.
E.E.Zajac animation (1963)
"Incredible Machine" (1968)
… the Production of Animated Movies
Origins of the Multimedia Artist
Ken Knowlton
Edward E. Zajac
Howard Wise Gallery Show
Sandy Ressler
Important and pioneering research into computer graphics was conducted at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ beginning in the early 1960's. For details refer to "Bell Labs Memoirs: Voices of Innovation", A. Michael Noll & Michael N. Geselowitz (Editors), IEEE History Center (New Brunswick, NJ), 2011, printed by & available from Amazon.